Terms + Conditions
Member Ethics: Member shall not and agrees that he or she will not, directly or indirectly, do any of the following:
Do anything, or convey any information whatsoever, that would tend to discredit, dishonor, reflect adversely upon, or in any way injure the reputation or image of FMG, its service divisions, affiliates, members or clients.
Present sponsorship materials, FMG's formats, documents or presentations to third parties or other organizations or any membership based groups.
Members must always conduct themselves in a professional manner when being associated with FMG.
Member will not hassle or solicit their services to other FMG members by phone or by e-mail. Three unresponded emails or phone calls will be considered solicitation harassment. Member may be ultimately removed from FMG for solicitation harassment that is reported by other FMG members. Member agrees to report any concerns or conflicts member may have to FMG via email to Connect@FrequencyVA.com.
Member will not interfere or solicit any of FMG's listed corporate or organizational partnerships, sponsors, service affiliates, or present any information or attempt to alter a pre-established business relationship as being associated with FMG.
Member agrees that they will not seek to mimic or duplicate service concepts, graphic layouts, creative ideas, and procedures that were created within FMG for FMG or FMG members for themselves or third-party companies or organizations for a period of (5) five years from termination of member’s membership.
Member may be removed from FMG for any professional misconduct, misrepresentation or acts that misrepresent FMG and no refund of any fees will be granted. FMG reserves the right to reject sponsorship or support requests from FMG members participating in any unethical practice such as illegal activities or any activity that FMG determines to be an inappropriate behavior.